Privacy Policy


Hong Kong Famkools Technology Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") places great emphasis on the privacy and protection of user's personal data. This Privacy Policy aims to clearly explain how the Company collects, uses, stores, and discloses users' personal data, in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Definition of Personal Data

"Personal Data" refers to any data related to an individual's identity, including but not limited to name, identity card number, contact details, email address, residential address, bank account information, etc.


1. Our goal is to make your shopping experience safe, convenient, and worry-free. We ensure that data is encrypted when leaving the site. This process involves the converting of information or data into a code to prevent unauthorised access.
2. Your personal information is protected in transit by a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) which fully encrypts and protects all your personal data (name, address, credit card number) from being read by anyone over the Internet. This secure method ensures the protection of all credit and debit card transactions.
3. Your personal data is kept confidential, and we do not make email addresses available to third parties other than for our business operation needs. We have certain Third-Party Service Providers who perform important business functions on our behalf, such as: processing credit card transactions, fulfilling orders and delivering packages. They have access to personal data needed to carry out their functions, but they may not use it for other purposes.
Purpose of Collecting Personal Data
The Company may collect personal data when users register, use the website or mobile applications, participate in activities, or services. The primary purposes of collecting this data include:
1. Identifying and verifying the identity of users.
2. Providing and improving services.
3. Completing transactions and processing payments.
4. Conducting market research and analysis to optimize products and services.
5. Direct marketing and promotional activities.
6. Ensuring transaction security and preventing fraud.
7. Fulfilling any requirements related to legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations.
Categories of Personal Data Collected
Depending on the nature of the service, we may collect the following types of personal data:
1. Identity Information: Including name, gender, age, identity card, or passport number, etc.
2. Contact Information: Telephone number, email address, mailing address, etc.
3. Financial Information: Bank account, credit card information, etc.
4. Transaction Records: Purchase history, service usage records, etc.
5. Internet Usage Information: IP address, browser type, access time, etc.
6. Other data that may be collected as needed for the service.
Use of Personal Data
The collected personal data will be used for the following purposes:
1. Providing and maintaining services.
2. Processing orders and transactions.
3. User service support.
4. Marketing and promotional activities.
5. Enhancing user experience and service quality.
6. Purposes required by laws and regulations.
7. Engage with third parties in fraud prevention and detection.
Data Sharing and Disclosure
In necessary circumstances, the Company may share your personal data with third parties, including but not limited to:
1. Service Providers: Such as logistics, payment processing, etc.
2. Business Partners: For joint marketing or promotional activities.
3. Legal Requirements: Providing data in response to government agencies or legal demands.
4. Others: Parties related to mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.
Cookie Policy
We use cookies and similar technologies on our websites in order to provide functionality to visitors and make your online visit more enjoyable and personalised.
1. Cookies are small and often encrypted files that are stored in your browser directory. Cookies make it possible to identify you as a specific customer and to store your personal preferences when using our website and your technical information. The main benefit for you is that you do not have to enter the information contained in the cookies every time you visit our website. Cookies do not necessarily contain or reveal personal information. If, however, you enter personal information on our website, this may be associated with the data stored in the cookies. Operators of other websites have no access to these files.
2. We use Google Analytics on our websites. This is a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. that enables the collection of detailed statistics on website traffic and its sources. We use Google Analytics solely for statistical purposes, such as in order to track how many users have clicked on a particular item of product information. Google Analytics is based on cookies and records information about your use of our websites including your IP address. To prevent users from being identified by their IP addresses, we use a specialized code to ensure that your IP address is recorded solely in a truncated (and therefore anonymous) form. It is no longer possible to identify individual users with this truncated IP address. The information recorded by Google Analytics is transmitted to Google Inc. based in the United States. Google is self-certified under the Privacy Shield to provide an adequate protection of your personal data under EU law. You can prevent that data from being collected and transferred to Google Inc. by downloading and installing the plug-in available at the following link:
3. The default settings of most browsers enable the acceptance of cookies. In your browser settings, you can completely disable the use of cookies, prevent the placement of certain cookies or asked to be notified every time a request is made to place a cookie. For more information about these settings, please refer to the "Help" section of your browser. It is possible to disable your cookies or delete existing cookies on your computer. Please note that if you disable your cookies, it is possible that certain areas of the websites will not work properly. For example, the login function on your customer account is based on cookies.
Data Protection and Security
The Company adopts reasonable technical and administrative measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. We conduct strict training and management of employees who handle personal data to ensure data security.
Data Retention
The Company will retain your personal data after achieving the collection purpose, unless legally required or permitted to retain it for a longer period.
User Rights
Users have the right to access and correct personal data held by the Company. Users can make requests through the following contact method:
Third-party Websites
The Company's website and mobile applications may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Statement does not apply to these third-party websites. We recommend users review the privacy policies of these websites.
Changes to this Privacy Statement
The Company reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time. Any changes will be published on this website and become effective from the date of publication.
Contact Information
For any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact: